Saturday, December 09, 2006

What IS the meaning of CHRISTmas?

Gotta love what marketing in our society has done. Really pushing materialism. Have you looked around you? Did you see stores starting their Christmas blast BEFORE Halloween, like in September? Money, spend more money on THINGS we don't need. Get that? DON'T NEED. Some one is ALWAYS going to have more than you, have more money than you, look better than you. How can you keep up with that? It is impossible and quite frankly, it probably isn't the REAL you.

Besides, you can't take it with you. What kind of impact do you want to leave in this World? Do you know? Is it having the most toys, things or money? Guess what, the one who has the most stuff DOES'NT win! What about people? Have we forgotten why we are put here on this earth? It isn't all about you, sorry.
Do we remember WHY we celebrate this holiday? CHRISTmas - what is that? The birth of Jesus, right? Didn't HE come to earth to Teach us how to live?

The point of this: I remember a long time ago while the kids where small, we had no money - we were getting help from the Government but it isn't much, it never is. I had no idea where I was going to come up with money to buy these kids Christmas presents. How do you tell a 4 year old that there is no Christmas?
I discovered what the true meaning of Christmas was that year when a bunch of people from a church came to my house with more presents I knew what to do with, clothes and food to make a Christmas dinner. That was the BEST Christmas we ever had. It showed me what Christmas is about. Giving to others, giving joy to others, loving others, accepting others regardless of who they are, what they believe and how they live without JUDGING them. Giving from the heart.

I made vowed that day. I knew I could NEVER pay back what those people did for us during those rough times but I when I was in the position to do so, I would spend the rest of my life helping others, like I was helped. PAY IT FORWARD (go rent the movie)

That is why we give so much of the money we earn away, to help others who are in need and can't help themselves. Children who didn't ask to be in that situation (UNICEF and World Vision and other charities). How about a family whose father has terminal cancer and can't work. The bills... A sad Christmas for him, his wife and 3 children. They can't afford gifts for their children, they can't even afford food. But if we can put just a GLIMMER of JOY in their lives even for a moment, it is worth it. That is what Christmas is about.
So - make a difference and impact others this Christmas - well just not Christmas but ALL the TIME. Get out of your selfish world. Give some joy to others and stop complaining about what you don't have - so many others have so much less than you.

Put the Christ back in Christmas. The REASON for the SEASON.

Kris put a note on our whiteboard last week - something like this- Love from the center of your heart, don't be fake. Learn to play second fiddle.

I challenge everyone to try it - Pay it Forward and do it JOYFULLY. I promise you will be filled with joy and happiness inside (much more satisfying that material things) and you will be rewarded some day.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So what's the deal?

A couple of months ago, Rich went to Berkots in town here and as he approached the door to get into the store, there was a lady in front of the store with a table set up asking for donations. Rich inquired what was going on and got the story. Her husband has terminal colon cancer. He asked for her name and phone number and made a generous do Mind you, Rich never does this. Typically, Rich would walk right by something like that. So stopping to talk to the lady, let alone leave a donation and ask her for her phone number was not his normal thing to do.

With 40 days of Community, at church we were asked to step outside our comfort zone. So Rich and I thought about this family and presented it to our small group. It never got off the ground.

Then in November - came the ultimate opportunity with the Kingdom Assignment. Rich called the family and here is what is going on.

  • The father, Marty - has stage 4 terminal colon cancer. Bonnie, his wife drives him back and forth 100 miles to a local hospital here 1 -3 days a week for chemo treatments in a car that is junk.
  • Currently Marty is receiving disability of less than $1,500 a month.
  • Marty was a union carpenter until 9/11 but lost his job. He started working on his own until he got this illness. So there is no insurance coverage.
  • Medical bills exceed $500,000
  • Medicaid wants to take their house to offset the medical costs
  • The mortgage went from $900 a month to $1100 - on a balloon
  • $175 in food stamps to feed a family of 5. They go to a food bank once a month to supplement what they get from food stamps.
  • Children are 3, 7 9 & 14
  • No other relatives can help - both Marty and Bonnie's parents are deceased. An aunt is on a fixed income , Bonnie's brother is incarcerated and her older son has 4 small chldren.
  • Roof on their house is leaking

Bonnie does a little dog grooming on the side for cash. But because of the system they can not earn up to a certain dollar amount a year with out losing their benefits.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Kindgom Assignment came about before it was announced at PCC. One Sunday back in late September, while I was at church participating in a drama, Rich had to run to the store to get bandaids. A lady had a table set up in front of the grocery store in our little town. Typically, Rich just walks by these types of things but this time he didn't. He stopped to talk to the lady. He found out that her husband and father of her 3 children has cancer. He gave her some money (something else he typically doesn't do) and asked for her phone number.

In October, during 40 Days of Community, we presented the idea to help this family. For one reason or another, it didn't get off the ground. But something kept tugging at our hearts.

Then in November came the Kingdom Assigment - Pastor Tim gave out $10,000 in $100 bills. A few things we have to keep in mind:

  • It isn't OUR money - it is God's
  • Invest the money in a way that will extend God's Kingdom here on earth. Whether it is buying meals for the homeless, purchasing Bibles or whatever it is between us and God
  • Report back within a 100 days so PCC can share the results with our church family.

I didn't hesitate to go up and get the $100 because I saw we were given an opportunity to help this family.

And so the journey begins for our family and some friends.... This will be the story of expanding God's Kingdom here on earth. Showing a family in need what God's love is.